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My Resume


Matt Przybylek


  • St.mark's High school 2008- 2010

- College prep Science

- College prep Mathematics

- College prep English

Technical/ Skills

  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Word
  • Adobe Programs


  • Baseball
  • Running
  • Blue Gold

Work Experience

  • Volunteer work at Christiana Care hospital

Wayne Carter goes to jail

The super star rapper Wayne Carter or aka Lil Wayne has been charge with gun possesion he pleaded guilty October 22 on and is now currently serving his plea bargain for as long as 8 to 12 months. You cant say that wayne has it to hard in their though he his staying in one of the nicest jails in Manhattan. He is also in a segregated unit of the jail where he enjoy his privilages that average inmate would not have do to his celebrity status.

Although Wayne is in jail he still keeps coming out with hit after hit he still hasnt moved anywhere on the billboard 100 chart and he is still on top of the rap world. That success is do to his hard work and dedication to his music. Before he went to jail Wayne made a few albums that are just now getting released. In my oppinon was he gets released from jail he will be making more hits than ever and he will maintain his image of best rapper alive.

Today Tuesday June 8 is the end of all classes at St.marks catholic high school. For those who are completely done with school and do not have to take any finals they are starting their summer vacation early. but I along with the vast magarity of the school aren't quite done going to school yet we have to finish taking our finals.

I do feel sorry for some kids though that attend my school. i feel bad for the kids that have to go to summer school. That takes away all their freedom of the summer and all of their fun. Oh well i guess they will just have to try harder next year.

Umpire blew the call of the century the other day in the Detroit tigers vs Cleveland Indians game. it came down to the bottom of the ninth two outs and the Detroit pitcher got the Indians hitter to ground out into an easy fielders choice ground ball. Unfortunatly the first base umpire missed the call at first base resulting in the hitter to be safe which will have forever changed the history of major league baseball.

The missed call was so blantonly obvious the umpire ended up giving the pitcher a sincere apology. The pitcher Galarraga maintained completely professional during the whole ordeal and for his valiant effort was awarded a Chevy Corvette... he isn't feeling so salty anymore.


The Philadelphia Flyers are taking the Stanley cup!


Philadelphia Phillies on a role. Roy Halladay just pitched a gem.